Universe Juice Stories

Featured Stories

Our Reunion Stories are where the bonds forged in adversity shine bright! These heartfelt narratives from our reunion events between survivors and their first responders convey profound connections, shared journeys, and moments of hope and gratitude.

Woman full of emotion smiles and poses meeting for the first time the EMT who saved her life

Founder’s Story

On January 11, 2022, I was hit head-on by a drunk driver who was traveling in the wrong direction on a local highway. The impact was severe, resulting in significant injuries that necessitated urgent transportation via med flight to a trauma one hospital for treatment. Thanks to the prompt and skilled assistance of local first responders, along with the nurse and paramedic on the med flight, my life was saved.

The night of the accident was filled with uncertainty, and my family feared for my survival. However, the exceptional team of trauma doctors at Rhode Island Hospital managed to piece “humpty dumpty” back together again despite my extensive injuries.

  • In total, I endured fractures in 18 bones, including those in all four limbs and four ribs, along with a ruptured diaphragm and other internal injuries. Following treatment at the hospital and two rehabilitation facilities, it took four months before I could finally return home in a wheelchair, learning how to walk again.

    Five months after the accident, I had the privilege of meeting Mike, the paramedic from my med flight, at a local fundraiser organized on my behalf. Mike’s attendance at the fundraiser happened by chance, and he noted when he arrived, he wasn’t sure if I had survived or not. Shortly thereafter, my family arranged a meeting with Nicki, my med flight nurse, and Mike to extend our thanks to them both.

    The reunion was a powerful and healing experience for all involved, allowing us to convey our gratitude not only for Mike and Nicki’s service to our family but also to our community at large. The accident had a profound impact on my entire family, causing considerable trauma that lingered long after the physical wounds had healed. Meeting the two individuals who played such a crucial role in my survival proved to be immensely therapeutic and contributed significantly to our healing process. I am grateful for the opportunity to share this experience with others through Universe Juice.

passion led us here engraved on the sidewalk

Stories that inspire us

These amazing stories have fueled our organization's mission and touched us deeply. These narratives of strength, courage, and triumph have propelled us on our journey and are part of the reason Universe Juice is in place today.

Crash Victim Thanks First Responder

Woman surprises first responders who rescued her from a car accident with a visit and a donation.

Woman Reunites with First Responders

A healing reunion of a woman and her first responders whose actions were critical to her miraculous survival.

Reunited 16 Years Later

They saved his life and inspired his career. 16 years later, they reunited.

Two Years Later, Motorcycle Rider Meets Couple Who Saved Him

Good Samaritan reunites with the motorcycle rider she saved two years earlier.

Jeremy Renner Reunites with Hospital Staff

Jeremy Renner visits the hospital staff he credits with saving his life.

Crash Victim Reunites with First Responders Four Years Later

Four years after they rescued him, a man honors his hometown heroes with a visit and plaques.

Man Thanks High School Student Who Saved His Life

A high school student is thanked for saving a choking man at a local eatery.

Damar Hamlin with First Responders at NFL Honors

Damar Hamlin’s first responders receive a touching tribute at the NFL Honors ceremony.

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